Just a quick post to celebrate the first anniversary of Coves to Cliffs!
On October 18 2020, I published our first blog post: Finding Peace in a Pandemic. Since then, Brett and I have continued to explore the South West of England, as well as venturing further afield to the mountains of the Sierra Nevada.
Amongst everything the world has thrown at us over the last year, the time we’ve spent together exploring the wilderness truly stands out. We’ve pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones, surviving both a lightning storm and stampeding cows. It’s been quite a year and I have so loved writing about our adventures and collecting our photos in one place, which makes it easy to look back and remember the fun times we’ve had.
Looking back at the articles we’ve written over the last year, I’m very proud of this little blog. Our most popular post over the last 365 days was Lockdown Lover, with (apparently) 99 unique visitors! According to the Wix analytics, the blog has seen over 600 unique visitors (!!!) from countries all across the world. Although I feel fairly certain these numbers aren’t entirely accurate, I’m still taking this map of visitors as a win. Thank you to each and every one of you that has subscribed to the blog or read any of our posts.

We’ve had two fab guest writers so far: Ashlynn, who has written multiple posts about her adventures in Scotland, including her love of solo hiking. And Ben, who shared the story of his road trip to Utah. We are still on the lookout for more guest authors who want to share their adventures and photography. If that is you, please get in touch!
After two months apart, Brett and I are excited to be back together for the next two weeks. As I write this, we’re on the train to visit Bath (finally!) and we’ll be visiting Ashlynn in Glasgow at the end of October. Hopefully there will be time on our *many* train journeys to continue blogging about our travels from the summer.
Anyways. Happy first birthday to us and thanks for following along on this wild adventure!
Veronica & Brett
